Friday, June 4, 2010

The Divine Mother

This morning on my drive back the the 'Deer', I thought a lot about my Mother. I made a statement to a friend last night that, "my Mother is a woman who has shown me, inspired me, and taught me, what it means to love." She is one of the most loving people I've ever known in my whole life. When she decides to love someone, she never stops. No matter what. Now, don't get me wrong, she is no push-over. She can set boundaries, and not put up with crappy behaviour, and yet the loving never stops. Her ability to see past all the crap people throw around, and love them anyway is her endowment to humanity.

My Mother has opened up her home and is currently allowing my son and I to be here, as quite honestly, in this moment I have no where else to go. And even when she has had people question her about allowing her daughter to "take advantage of her", she has never faltered on her choice. She simply says, "It's my daughter, and my grandson. There is nothing else to say, of course I will give them a place to live." It is so humbling to be loved like this. My profound hope and wish is that she realizes how much of a difference SHE has made in our lives because of her willingness to just show up and love.

This morning I sat down and shared with her how much I appreciate the way she loves. And I am so grateful I did. How often do we take time to tell the people in our lives, that have 'taught' us what love is, just what they mean to us? My heart was full for the sharing of it. I have a few other people in my life I want to connect with today to let them know how they were instrumental in teaching me love. What a beautiful thing to do! So if you have people in your life that inspire, humble, and share their beautiful love... then tell them so! You never know what it may mean to them!

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