Wednesday, April 25, 2012

A good place to be..

I haven't been able to write lately, my laptop isn't working, and I've been running on my lunch breaks. My days lately have been very full, and I've been squeezing the most I can into life.  Running has become a source of prayer and meditation for me during these hectic times. Bodhi continues to grow taller, the job continues to get busier, the boyfriend seems to get cuter, and the running miles seem to be coming faster.. I recently celebrate one year clean and sober. Life is so much better these days. I've been experiencing a sense of peace and contentment, even amongst the hectic busy days.  I have moments of grieving the changes in my life, and I just let them wash through me like waves. I don't need to cling to them any more, I can feel it, and let it go. Running helps.  Planning an 11 km run tomorrow, and I am so appreciative of my boyfriend stepping up to support so I can get my runs in.  My mind is empty... a nice place to be!

Sunday, April 8, 2012

Only a half...?!?!

I ran 16km yesterday with my Mom! Though the time was slow, I can't help but be in awe of the fact I ran 16km! ME! My body did that! I'm seriously impressed... since I have started running, things that I thought impossible have now entered into the realm of 'reality'!

- Bodhi's Pappa came here from Mexico last Wednesday! My son got to play with his Father all weekend! (He hasn't seen his Pappa for over 2 years)
- I've met the most amazing, kind-hearted, sweet, handsome man (and he runs!)
- I'm running times and distances I never thought possible for me
- I am about to celebrate 1 year clean and sober
- I am consistently feeling happy, serene, and in a state of grace.

The gifts that have come from pushing through the slings and arrows of my toxic mind, and stepping into creating 'possibility s' are limitless. Today, I am filled with gratitude for everything in my life. Today, I ran 8 km (the day after my 16 km run) and I stopped allot to take pictures. Even though my legs felt heavy, my heart is light and filled with joy. I feel happy, and alive today! And I thought that was worth sharing!

I also wanted to mention that I was having coffee yesterday with some friends and a fellow runner (ultra-runner that is) was discussing long distances. I told him that I plan to 'Only' do the half marathon. He proceeded to give me cakka for saying 'Only a half'.. and it's true.. a half marathon for me is a super huge deal. The training mentally, physically, and emotionally have been intense and profoundly life altering. Why would I minimize that experience by comparing it to a longer distance. 21 km, 42 km, 100 km.. the experience is about pushing my own personal limits, my own personal 'demons' as Lance Armstrong would say.

I'm in the celebrating mood today! Happy Easter everyone! Happy running, Happy Loving, Happy Life!