Saturday, October 23, 2010

A Perfect Bodhi day!

What a fun day!

Even though both my son and I are struggling with 'Booger Noses', we managed to have a most excellent adventure today!
After snuggling and watching cartoons all morning, I managed to get both him and myself down for a nap. When he woke up, I took him to 'Apple Bee's'! Once there, we had a fun time eating, looking at all the pics, and colouring! We even danced to the awesome applebee's tunes! Bodhi insisted I play the drums and the piano.. too fun! I allowed myself a Cheesecake shooter! YUM! I fully appreciated it! Bodhi wasn't as thrilled about his jello, and he decided it would be more fun to dump it on the chair.. I think he did it by accident tho, cause he sweetly said, 'uh oh Mummy, big accident on the chair!' Awww.. then he helped me clean it up!

After that we went to get Halloween Crafts, a yellow 'horse balloon' with a black ribbon, and a good long play session with 'Thomas the Train'! We stopped to colour Josie (his daycare mommy) a picture, and we played with Summer and another little girl. (Girls are so cool).

Bodhi left Thomas the Train peacefully, and with a smile (Thank-god). Came home and had AppleBees leftovers for supper, and Bodhi and I made Halloween cutouts for the window while we listened to 'Mickey Mouse Music'. The front window now has evil witches, scary kitties, brown, black, purple, pink, and green bats, and birds all over it! Bodhi kept saying, 'Very scary window Mommy'! Ha, I love it!

Ended our day with Bathtime, snuggle, read books, and Bedtime songs!

What an absolutley perfect day with my boy!

Friday, October 15, 2010


This was a piece taken from my Blog; "April 20, 2009...

Today after my bath with Bodhi, we were doing our usual sing-song routine, and baby massage time. He was laughing and playing around as usual, and we ended with our typical ‘Look into the mirror and wave hello or blow kisses’ routine....

But this time.. his eyes caught mine in the mirror.. and he began to squeal and giggle with delight. This little boy was so joyful at the sight if himself and his mommy! He began to laugh and laugh and giggle, and he looked up at me as if to say.. ‘Yaay Mommy! We are together again! We’ve waited so long to be reunited in human form, and here we are.. whoo hooo LET’S PARTY!’

So I looked back and him and started to giggle as loud as I could back, and hollared. ‘YAAAAAAAAAAAYYYYYY̵
7;!! and he joined in with a great big ‘YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAYYYY

Then this huge surge of love swept through my body, as I cherished our little moment. This moment of realization. That we had been separated for quite a long time, and our souls are truly over-joyed for the opportunity to experience the human journey together once again.

It’s going to be quite a ride lil’ man… hang on, cause it’s going to be a blast! Bodhi & Mommy!

Thank-you Bodhi, for your laughter and your smile. Thank-you for finding me again.

I love you. I love myself.

And so it is!


I am so grateful for my son, he has grown into such a wonderful joy! What a sweety!

Thursday, October 14, 2010

The Art of Allowing

It has been three months since my last post. I feel like a school girl having to go to confession! Not that I have ever been to confession... but I imagine that this is what it would feel like!

It seems that the universe is once again providing me with many opportunities to embrace and love myself, and to laugh at the absurd nature of my humanity.

I am once again unemployed, it seems that the oil industry wasn't really a home for this peace loving hippy girl. I am not surprised, and I am trusting that my guides are directing me to the place I need to be. It is humbling, and it is thrilling to know that I am being guided and directed.

So, it seems that I am back to sharing my voice, rather than trying to silence it, squash it, and mold myself into a tiny little box that just doesn't contain me.

This day is my day to surrender to the current of life, and let go with reckless abandon! What can I create today? How can I bring my heart, and joy, while showing up for others? What an adventure this day shall bring!

Today I embrace the gifts you are bringing to me, I accept them fully and allow love to land!

Mahalo universe!

I adore you, thank-you for looking after me.